Building Interactive Queries with LINQPad - pdf - 电子书免费下载
内容提要: If you need to interact with databases, XML, in-memory collections, or remote services, LINQ can make your life si...
内容提要: If you need to interact with databases, XML, in-memory collections, or remote services, LINQ can make your life si...
内容提要: Small Basic is a free, beginner-friendly programming language created by Microsoft to inspire kids to learn to pro...
内容提要: Winner of a 2015 Alpha Sigma Nu Book Award, Software Essentials: Design and Construction explicitly defines and il...
内容提要: Essential C# 6.0 is a well-organized, no-fluff guide to the latest versions of C# for programmers at all levels of...
内容提要: NuGet has made the process of finding and referencing libraries from Visual Studio much easier and has strongly co...
内容提要: Starting from first principles, this book covers all of the foundational material needed to develop a clear unders...
内容提要: This book is a practical tutorial, walking the reader through examples of building DSLs with Groovy covering meta-...
继snap之后,10月29日盘后facebook和Twitter也相继发布了2020年第三季度的财报,自此,美国的三大社交媒体巨头本季度业绩情况披露结束。 今年以来受卫生事件影响,三家公司股价变动较大,自第一季度财报发布股价下跌后,在第二第...
10月31日消息,昨天华为在上海发布了Mate40系列国行,随后就开始了该机的发售,不过让人没有想到的是,仅用时20秒(京东渠道11秒),首批货就宣告售罄。 官方并没有公布首批供货的数量,只是表示从11月1日到11月11日期间,华为Mate...
此言论一出,立即有网友评论反驳道,:“我上学的时候,同学都去网吧上网。后来我上了大学他们辍学在家打工。”也有网友对于王兴的言论表示认同,认为王兴得出这一结论是由于以前上网门槛太高,而现在几乎没有门槛。 10月31日消...