LEARNING OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN C# 5.0 is a uniquely practical, hands-on guide to the powerful features of C# 5.0, one of the most common, general-purpose object-oriented programming languages in use today. The examples and projects in this book progress from easy to advanced, covering the principles and benefits of object-oriented programming for developing real-world applications. With the expert guidance of programmer, author, and teacher B.M. Harwani, you will explore: object-oriented programming fundamentals; advanced class features such as generics and operator overloading; web services, LINQ, multiple threading, and security features; .NET features, including assemblies, interfaces, delegates, events; web application development, and ADO.NET; and much more. Expand your programming skills today with LEARNING OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN C# 5.0, a refreshingly helpful guide to developing with C#.
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