This book is a practical tutorial, walking the reader through examples of building DSLs with Groovy covering meta-programming with Groovy. Some complex concepts are covered in the book but we go through these in a clear and methodically way so that readers will gain a good working knowledge of the techniques involved. This book is for Java software developers who have an interest in building domain scripting into their Java applications. No knowledge of Groovy is required, although it will be helpful. The book does not teach Groovy, but quickly introduces the basic ideas of Groovy. An experienced Java developer should have no problems with these and move quickly on to the more involved aspects of creating DSLs with Groovy. No experience of creating a DSL is required. The book should also be useful for experienced Groovy developers who have so far only used Groovy DSLs such as Groovy builders and would like to start building their own Groovy-based DSLs.
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