Start building powerful apps that take advantage of the dynamic scripting capabilities of the Groovy language. This book covers Groovy fundamentals, such as installing Groovy, using Groovy tools, and working with the Groovy Development Kit (GDK). You’ll also learn more advanced aspects of Groovy, such as using Groovy design patterns, writing DSLs in Groovy, and taking advantage of Groovy’s functional programming features.
There is more to Groovy than the core language, so Learning Groovy covers the extended Groovy ecosystem. You’ll see how to harness Gradle (Groovy’s build system), Grails (Groovy’s web application framework), Spock (Groovy’s testing framework), and Ratpack (Groovy’s reactive web library).
- Groovy fundamentals, including the GDK or Groovy Development Kit
- Advanced Groovy, such as writing Groovy DSLs
- Functional programming in Groovy
- GPars, the built-in concurrency library
- Gradle, the build system
- Grails, the web application framework
- Spock, the testing framework
- Ratpack, the reactive web library
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