
Beginning SharePoint 2010 Development - pdf - 电子书免费下载


Discover how to take advantage of the many new features in SharePoint 2010

SharePoint 2010 is a significant leap forward from the 2007 release, and ‘you will find that there are a ton of features built into the platform for you to leverage in your solution development. Because SharePoint is a broad platform that covers a lot, this book also covers quite a bit of ground. As a Wrox Beginning book, the goal of Beginning SharePoint 2010 Development is to get you started with many of the fundamentals so that you can continue on to advanced programming beyond this book.

The book’s goal is to quickly take you from the basics of SharePoint, to installing and configuring a development environment, and then into how you can develop for SharePoint. The book is heavy on coding exercises, but tries to stick to a common set of .NET patterns to ensure you walk away with understanding the different ways in which you can code for SharePoint. Moving from beginning to advanced means that you can expect the walkthroughs and chapters to become increasingly more complex within each chapter and throughout the book. The walkthroughs have been created to be concise and to guide you through all of the steps you must accomplish to complete a coding task.

Beginning SharePoint 2010 Development is aimed at the developer who is new to SharePoint. The book assumes you have some programming experience and a passion to learn how to develop for SharePoint. But this book does not assume that you’ve programmed against SharePoint before. With regard to your general development background, the two assumptions in this book are that you have some familiarity with Web development, and you have an understanding of .NET programming. With regard to Web development, this book assumes that you understand HTML, and may have an understanding of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Extensible Markup Language/Extensible Stylesheet Language (XML/XSL), and dynamic languages such as JavaScript. You may have a light understanding of ASP.NET and are looking to apply this knowledge to the SharePoint space. In any case, you have some understanding of the fundamentals of Web and .NET development, and are looking to apply those to the SharePoint space.





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