This book will provide you with the skills you need to efficiently create routes using Apache Camel.
After briefly introducing the key features and core concepts of Camel, the book will take you through all the important features and components, starting with routing and processors. You will learn how to use beans in Camel routes, covering everything from supported registries and annotations, to the creation of an OSGi bundle and writing route definitions with Blueprint DSL. Leverage the Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs) supported by Camel and implement them in your routes. You will then see how components and endpoints handle exchanges in Camel, and how you can use them to create a complete and powerful mediation framework. You will finally learn how to tackle errors and perform testing to ensure that your integration projects are working successfully.
Who This Book Is For
This book is intended for all Camel users who want to get the best out of Camel, and who want to implement the most efficient integration logic using best practices.
What You Will Learn
- Walk through the key features and core concepts of Apache Camel
- Implement routing with Processor, using Camel Java DSL and Camel Blueprint DSL
- Use beans with Camel to access to the POJO model, and leverage IoC frameworks like Spring or Blueprint
- Get to grips with the EIPs supported by Camel and implement them in your projects
- Create polling and event-driven components, and learn how Camel uses components to create endpoints
- Identify and deal with errors in your routing logic
- Conduct unit tests and integration tests on your Camel routes
文件大小:7.2 MB
文件格式:PDF, ePub
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