
Numerical C - pdf - 电子书免费下载


Learn applied numerical computing using the C programming language, starting with a quick primer on the C programming language and its SDK. This book then dives into progressively more complex applied math formula for computational methods using C with examples throughout and a larger, more complete application towards the end.

Numerical C starts with the quadratic formula for finding solutions to algebraic equations that model things such as price vs. demand or rise vs. run or slip and more. Later in the book, you’ll work on the augmented matrix method for simultaneous equations.
You’ll also cover Monte Carlo method model objects that could arise naturally as part of the modeling of a real-life system, such as a complex road network, the transport of neutrons, or the evolution of the stock market. Furthermore, the Monte Carlo method of integration examines the area under a curve including rendering or ray tracing and the shading in a region.

Furthermore, you’ll work with the product moment correlation coefficient: correlation is a technique for investigating the relationship between two quantitative, continuous variables, for example, age and blood pressure. By the end of the book, you’ll have a feeling for what computer software could do to help you in your work and apply some of the methods learned directly to your work.

What You Will Learn

Gain software and C programming basics
Write software to solve applied, computational mathematics problems
Create programs to solve equations and calculus problems
Use the trapezium method, Monte Carlo method, line of best fit, product moment correlation coefficient, Simpson’s rule, and matrix solutions
Write code to solve differential equations
Apply one or more of the methods to an application case study

Who This Book Is For

Those with an existing knowledge of rudimentary mathematics (school level) and some basic programming experience. This is also important to people who may work in mathematics or other areas (for example, life sciences, engineering, or economics) and need to learn C programming.





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